The Power of Your Emotions: Feel more and Do Less to Achieve Your Dreams
I am not advocating for laziness when I say, feel more and do less to achieve your dreams. I am proposing, if you harness the power of your own electromagnetic field, which is malleable through your emotions, you can leverage an explosive amount of power to fuel your goals. Think about it. You wouldn’t contemplate toasting your bagel over a candlestick. You would pop it in a toaster oven to utilize the power of electricity. The same is true of this intricately designed apparatus you find yourself existing in. You have an electromagnetic field which is constantly interacting with your reality. Standard medical equipment is capable of measuring this electrical field which is essentially a projection of your nervous system. Your nervous system is a reflection of your emotional state which you program via your thoughts. You may wish to reread that, because it is pretty potent! This means, what you CHOOSE to think and how you let those thoughts affect your emotions will fire reactions in the form of a detectable frequency.
Energy is the wave function or electromagnetic field which every scientist knows makes up all of matter. This means we are ensconced in a living field of energy effervescently bubbling with possibilities. There are two ways this energy field works. First, you are a part of this electrical source of connectivity and intelligence. And, if you don’t block yourself from receiving answers or inspiration by resisting flow through limiting beliefs and/or fear, you can receive information from an unlimited field of intelligence; a field which contains more answers than your brief experience on this planet could ever easily contemplate. Secondly, if you are consistently able to focus your thoughts on the visions you wish to manifest in your life with an emotional expectation as if you are receiving them, you will enable a frequency to be projected outward which acts as a magnet attracting those experiences into your reality. This can be considered a universal law, just as gravity is.
If this is not enough to convince you of the omnipotence of your thoughts and emotions, consider the following facts. Scientific studies confirm your mind cannot discern the difference between something imagined and something experienced. There have been numerous experiments conducted, whereby, when an individual imagines their body practicing an exercise compared to an individual participating in an exercise physically using their body, the changes in muscle tone are the same. There are several universities, including Harvard, which have conducted this study, while numerous other universities have published their insights in the Journal of Neurophysiology. The golden take away from these findings are: When you emotionally invest your thoughts into something, good or bad, your body responds and sends out a signal as if it exists. This is why placebos work. When your mind expects healing, that unwavering expectation ignites your cells to alter their chemistry to identify with its expected environment of health.
Overall, internally and externally, your emotions are electrical power players which gather momentum via thoughts and beliefs. If your thoughts have you feeling gratitude as if your ideal life is now, even if it is not, your body will believe your emotions and radiate a frequency which will affect both your physical body and your likelihood of connecting you with those experiences your heart is broadcasting. This is precisely why people say, thoughts become things. If you monitor your thoughts to align with your deepest desire enough to send out an emotional frequency, these desires will manifest in your physical life. The same is true if you consistently emotionally align to the worst case scenario, which is why monitoring your thoughts is so vital.
Physicists are growing aware of this, and some have been for decades. As Nikola Tesla wisely said, ‘To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” This is why vision boards, a collage of images representing our desires, are so popular and successful. Images evoke emotions and emotions are the electrical signaling which gets us repetitively acting either positively or negatively. Some days, it is not easy to deny the reality of a job you dread or a stressful relationship, yet the key is to focus on what you have control over which is where your thoughts are going. You choose your energy by choosing kinder thoughts which evoke joyful feelings. If you can focus on the dream job or the dream relationship and give yourself permission to bask in that absolute elation as if it is happening around you, you just shifted your electromagnetic field. And when you do this, you literally take a quantum leap towards physically living out the musings which are now in your mind just waiting for permission to be injected into your reality.
If it seems too good to be true, try it. Start by creating a vision board, and allow your heart to fully meditate upon the emotional rapture of one or two dream scenarios you wish to insert into your life experience. Then, act as if you already are that version of you living your ideal life. Make those emotions more powerful than the negative internal chatter or the surroundings you currently submerse yourself in, and act decisively on any authentic inspiration you receive. Remain fearless with faith, because your surroundings will rattle and test you as your old patterns fracture and crumble in order make room for the new seeds you are planting. Trust this is part of the process. Hold fast to the visionary and emotional image of your destination for twenty-one days, expect it with gratitude, and watch as your new life steadily emerges in and around you.
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